
Pd 931nbt
Pd 931nbt

pd 931nbt

Jump through lists by first alpha character scrolling. Search options include by Album, Artist, Genre, Playlist, or entire track list. Scroll through your iphone, ipod Touch, Classic, or Nano to find your favorite tracks. The picture can be re-sized and positioned to 3 different ratios. PIP allows uninterrupted video playback while simultaneously viewing the GPS navigation map in real time, as it happens. Complete ipod Integration (requires IP-5C cable) Picture-in-Picture INGENIX is the first to bring the Picture-in-Picture function into the car. Additional features include favorites list, programmable home destination, destination fuel estimates, multi-lingual, multi-gender voices, speed limit warnings, and more. Set your destination and enjoy text-to-speech directions with lane guidance.

pd 931nbt

All Ingenix powered source units come standard with GPS turn-byturn navigation for USA & Canada (other countries available).

pd 931nbt

There s even a scrolling marquee banner displaying your short message. The main menu background and brightness settings can be set to change automatically at night. Utilize the drop down widget menu for quick settings access. Drag any mode application icon from the slide menu at the bottom of the screen and drop it onto the desktop as a shortcut. The LED back light Full HD quality 800x480 screen resolution yields a crisp image. The primary menu of the INGENIX source units has an appeal that you might expect only from a computer. Digital Signal Processing Go ahead, take a second look. INGENIX programming brings unique feature applications to your fingertips.

pd 931nbt

Such lightning fast function processing has not been possible in an aftermarket automotive multimedia system, until now. 2 SOURCE UNITS SOURCE UNITS Farenheit INGENIX powered source units use a proprietary engine featuring 700 MHz CPU processor & WIN CE 5.0 operating system.

Pd 931nbt